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The Method

Spectro-Chrome Therapy is a safe and natural therapeutic system based on the use of the visible spectrum (colors).


The system was originated in 1920 by Dinshah P. Ghadiali.


The scientific basis of the method rests on the following interdisciplinary pillars:

- In order to work perfectly the human body needs to receive specific chemical elements. The lack of these elements may be due to an internal problem (the body does not produce them) or to an external one (no intake with the diet);

- The power of the chemicals depends on their atomic arrangement which can be detected by spectroscope and coded in color lines; therefore all the chemical elements from the Mendeleev table were analyzed by spectroscope and encoded, according to their predominant Fraunhofer line, as a specific color;


- The Spectro-Chrome method foundation is the use of color codes instead of crude chemicals to increase or decrease the physiological activities, linking each chemical element/color to a specific physical function of the human body.

The resultant system connects in a mathematically precise way any dis-ease to the lack or excess of a given chemical element, the balance being restored exactly where needed through colored light that is easily and inexpensively created by a simple lamp and a set of colored filters.

Why the Spectro-Chrome Therapy works?


In general, for the same reasons of other therapies such as the "blue light" therapy for neonatal jaundice (due to photo-oxidation and consequent reduced levels of bilirubin), the vitamin D produced by the skin when exposed to ultraviolet light (skin photo receptiveness), or the SAD therapy (activation through the eyes of the hypothalamus and subsequently of the pituitary gland that controls the endocrine system).

In particular, a further reason brings us to the quantum theory: every single cell of a living organism has a specific function to perform. In doing so, it generates and radiates a specific energy, and often the totality of cellular energy is called "aura". When a particular organ or system is underactive, his auric energy is reduced and thus the appropriate activating color is projected onto the affected area. In the case of hyperactivity, the remedy is the opposite color that activates the natural regenerative powers present within us.

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